Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Shadow Trail finished!

I've finished the draft of Shadow Trail, and I didn't even need to hike Dyer Hollow Trail! I ended up changing that part of the book for plot reasons.

The book is 54,000 words long, although that'll probably change during revisions. It's on the short side for a young adult novel, but not terribly short. It'll be a while before it's ready to leave my hard drive, and then it's likely to be a few years after a publisher says yes to it before it actually hits the shelves. Publishing moves slooooowly.

Now that I don't have an excuse to hike specific trails in the watershed, I may plan a trip somewhere else for a week or two out. One thing I'm happy about, though, is that I'm now even more familiar with the Clear Creek trails than I was. And I thought I was pretty darn familiar with them before after hiking the watershed for the last twenty-odd years. For the book, I had to focus incredibly closely on every aspect of each trail. And that's knowledge that will stay with me and come in useful every time I go hiking or berry picking.

Speaking of which, I never posted this picture of the blackberries and raspberries I picked several weeks ago. I made a cobbler out of them.


  1. Yay! Want to read. I assume I'll have to wait until you've done your revisions and found a publisher and all that, though. :(

  2. Hey, I didn't know you were reading this blog. I'm commenting under the wrong account too (too lazy to switch). You can read it in August if you don't have enough to do. :) I'm working on revisions now and it's pretty darn polished already, if I do say so myself. I guess writing 18 books before this one has taught me how to do it.

  3. I'm a lurker here, there, and everywhere. :)

    August sounds excellent to me! After these crazy temperatures, a little light reading somewhere off the coast of Alaska sounds about like heaven.

  4. A woman at work who used to live in Alaska says it starts to get cool by mid-August. Bring a jacket! :)
